Why most people fail in Practical Driving test

Why most people fail in Practical Driving test It is a general observation that people who have practiced often, fail to replicate the results on practical driving test. May that be due to the fear of failure or more focus on technical aspect than general ones. Whatever the case may be I being an examiner at driving test center came up with a list of five practices that lead to failure in practical driving test. They are:

1.Improper Junction observation

Bad observation is the first step in making a driver fails in making correct decision. This becomes more disastrous when a person make wrong decision at junction, as most of the accidents occurs at junctions. So whenever you come across a junction and the coast look clear, do not look on one side only, rather make sure that the LEFT and RIGHT side is clear. Because it is tempting to drive pass fast, when you FEEL that the coast is clear, but it also one of the reasons of getting a negative mark in practical driving exam.

2.Reversing round the corner

It is general observation that reversing causes great problem to in-experience drivers, and most of the accidents occurs when doing reverse parking or reversing the car. So no matter in how much hurry you are make a habit that you reverse slowly, and do look for blind spots by peeking your head out of the car. If you do this, on the practical driving test day your chances of doing this mistake reduce.

3.Giving misleading signals

The third commonly done error that is not given much importance is the misleading signals given by drivers. This also causes failure in practical test taking, so do make sure that you are alert while driving, and cancel out the signal when you are done with the signal. It should also help if you practice a bit at home, about signalling left and right with the help of your friend or spouse. Its not a JOKE, it really does helps. This will solve the problem of wrong signalling to the best, and even on practical driving test day you would not get a negative mark.

4.Speeding above the speed limit

It is the other most common mistake that people cross the speed limit by driving too fast or too slowly. Yes it is true, that speeding on slow pace is as dangerous as driving fast, as while driving slowly, sometimes it happens that a person does not realize that he is gradually speeding above the prescribe speed limit, so do make sure that you check the speed-o-meter of your car after short intervals. This will also help you in your practical driving test as well.

5.Steering control mismanagement

Yes steering wheel mismanagement happens, and due to this many amateur drivers get a negative mark on practical driving exam day. The best strategy is the push and pull steering strategy, this is the instructor proven best strategy to help you control the steering wheel.

If you are comfortable crossing arms while moving steering, without losing control, it does not harm if you do the same on the practical test day. Yes, the popularly held belief that crossing arms while turning the steering wheel is wrong, but only for those who are comfortable. As there are many who lose control when they cross arms, while turning wheel.

The best way aside from all these technical things, is going to a driving school that provides you supreme level class room training and on-road training.  For Virginia area, You can search virginia driving school near your area here

many people fail their practical driving tests due to a variety of common mistakes. These include improper observation at junctions, difficulties with reversing maneuvers, giving misleading signals, exceeding speed limits, and mismanaging steering control. To improve their chances of passing, drivers should focus on addressing these issues and enhancing their driving skills.

Properly observing junctions by thoroughly checking both sides, practicing slow and careful reversing while checking blind spots, being attentive to signaling and canceling signals when necessary, adhering to speed limits, and mastering steering control techniques are all essential steps to success. It is also beneficial to enroll in a reputable driving school that offers comprehensive training.

By being aware of these common errors and actively working to overcome them, drivers can boost their confidence and competence on the road. Remember, safe and responsible driving is not only vital for passing the driving test but also for ensuring the safety of oneself and others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes that can cause failure in practical driving tests?

Common mistakes include improper junction observation, difficulties with reversing maneuvers, giving misleading signals, exceeding speed limits, and mismanaging steering control.

How can drivers improve their chances of passing the practical driving test?

Drivers can improve their chances by practicing thorough observation at junctions, mastering slow and careful reversing, being attentive to signaling and canceling signals when necessary, adhering to speed limits, and mastering steering control techniques. Enrolling in a reputable driving school for comprehensive training is also beneficial.

Why is proper junction observation important during a driving test?

Proper junction observation is crucial as it ensures drivers make correct decisions and helps prevent accidents. It’s important to thoroughly check both the left and right sides to ensure the coast is clear before proceeding.

What should drivers keep in mind when performing reversing maneuvers during the test?

Drivers should take it slow, check blind spots by physically looking around, and practice reversing maneuvers to ensure accuracy and control. This helps reduce the chances of making mistakes during reverse parking or reversing around corners.

How can drivers avoid giving misleading signals during the test?

Drivers should stay alert while driving, cancel signals when they are no longer needed, and practice signaling correctly before the test. Practicing with a friend or spouse can be helpful in ensuring accurate signaling.

Why is it important to adhere to speed limits during the driving test?

Driving either too fast or too slow can be hazardous. It’s important to adhere to speed limits and periodically check the speedometer to avoid unintentionally exceeding the limit, as this can lead to negative marks on the test.

What is the recommended steering control strategy for the driving test?

The push and pull steering strategy is generally recommended as it helps maintain control of the steering wheel. However, if a driver is comfortable crossing their arms while turning the wheel without losing control, it is acceptable. The key is to ensure steering control is maintained throughout the test.

Resource 1: DMV Virginia – http://www.dmvNOW.com

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