How to Return Plates to DMV VA

How to Return Plates to DMV VA

Returning your license plates to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in Virginia is an essential step when you no longer need them. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the essential information and instructions for returning your plates with efficiency and adhering to the regulations set by the DMV.

Why Do You Need to Return Plates to the DMV in VA?

Returning plates to the DMV in Virginia is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps maintain accurate vehicle records and prevents any misuse or fraudulent activities associated with the plates. Secondly, failure to return plates can result in continued responsibility for taxes, fees, and insurance associated with the plates, even if you no longer possess the vehicle. Lastly, returning plates ensures you avoid potential liabilities if the plates are used for illegal activities.

Preparing to Return Plates

Before returning your plates, there are a few simple steps you need to take:

  1. Gather necessary documents: Collect your vehicle registration, driver’s license, and any other forms required by the DMV.
  2. Remove plates from the vehicle: Carefully detach the license plates from your vehicle using a screwdriver or appropriate tool, ensuring you do not damage them in the process.
  3. Clean and inspect the plates: Thoroughly clean the plates to remove any dirt or debris, and inspect them for any damage like cracks or significant wear.

Returning Plates In Person

Returning your plates in person to a nearby DMV Virginia office is a convenient option. Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the nearest DMV office: Visit the official Virginia DMV website and use their office locator tool to find the nearest DMV office. Note down the address, contact information, and operating hours.
  2. Schedule an appointment: Check if the specific DMV office offers appointment booking services and make an appointment at a convenient date and time.
  3. Complete necessary forms: Download the required plate return forms from the DMV website, fill them out accurately, and double-check for any missing information.
  4. Submit the plates and required documents: On the day of your appointment, bring your completed forms, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and the license plates you wish to return. Follow the instructions provided by the DMV staff to submit the plates and documents. Obtain a receipt or confirmation of the return.

Returning Plates by Mail

If returning plates in person is not feasible, follow these steps to return your plates by mail:

  1. Obtain a return envelope: Contact the Virginia DMV via phone or their website to request a return envelope. Provide your name, address, and vehicle details. The DMV will send you a prepaid return envelope.
  2. Fill out the necessary forms: Download the required plate return forms from the DMV website, complete them accurately, and ensure all requested information is provided.
  3. Securely package the plates: Place your license plates inside the return envelope provided by the DMV. Make sure they are well-packaged to prevent damage during transit. Seal the envelope securely.
  4. Mail the plates to the DMV: Take the return envelope to your local post office and send it to the address specified by the DMV. Consider using a tracked mail service for added security. Keep the receipt or tracking number for reference.

What Happens After Returning the Plates?

Once you have returned your plates to the DMV in Virginia, the following actions take place:

  1. Confirmation of plate return: The DMV will process your plate return and provide you with a confirmation or receipt. Keep this document as proof that you have fulfilled your responsibility.
  2. Updating vehicle records: The DMV will update your vehicle records to reflect that you no longer possess the returned plates, ensuring accurate information about your vehicle’s status.
  3. Potential refunds or credits: Returning your plates may entitle you to certain refunds or credits. For example, if you have prepaid vehicle taxes or insurance associated with the plates, you may be eligible for a refund or credit for the unused portion. Contact the Virginia DMV for more information on possible refunds or credits.

Conclusion- How to Return Plates to DMV VA

Returning your license plates to the DMV in Virginia is a simple yet important process that helps maintain accurate records and ensures compliance with DMV regulations. By following the outlined steps, whether returning the plates in person or by mail, you can fulfill your responsibilities and avoid potential issues. Remember to gather the necessary documents, complete any required forms accurately, and follow the instructions provided by the DMV. Returning your plates not only benefits you but also helps maintain the integrity of the DMV system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can someone else return the plates on my behalf?

Yes, you can authorize someone else to return the plates on your behalf. Make sure they have a signed letter of authorization and all the necessary documents and information required for the plate return process.

Q2: Do I need to cancel my insurance after returning the plates?

Yes, it’s important to contact your insurance provider and inform them about the plate return. They will guide you on the necessary steps to update or cancel your insurance policy accordingly.

Q3: Can I return plates from a different state to the VA DMV?

No, plates from a different state should be returned to the respective DMV or local authorities of that state. Contact them for guidance on returning plates from a different state.

Q4: What should I do if my plates are lost or stolen?

If your plates are lost or stolen, report the incident to the local authorities and inform the Virginia DMV immediately. They will guide you through the process of obtaining new plates.

Q5: Can I dispose of the plates myself instead of returning them?

No, it’s important to return the plates to the DMV rather than disposing of them yourself. Improper disposal may result in penalties or legal consequences.

Q6: How long do I have to return my plates to the DMV in Virginia?

It is recommended to return your plates to the DMV as soon as you no longer need them. There is no specific time limit, but returning them promptly helps avoid any potential issues or liabilities associated with the plates.

Q7: Can I return personalized or specialty plates to the DMV in Virginia?

Yes, you can return personalized or specialty plates to the DMV in Virginia. Follow the same process outlined for returning standard license plates. Make sure to include any necessary documentation or forms specific to personalized or specialty plates when returning them.

Q8: What should I do if I have lost or misplaced my vehicle registration while returning the plates?

If you have lost or misplaced your vehicle registration while returning the plates, contact the Virginia DMV for assistance. They will provide guidance on obtaining a replacement registration or any alternative documents that may be required for the plate return process.

Q9: Can I return my plates if I have outstanding fines or tickets?

It is recommended to resolve any outstanding fines or tickets before returning your plates to the DMV. Failure to address these matters may result in complications or delays during the plate return process. Contact the Virginia DMV or the appropriate authorities to address any outstanding issues before returning your plates.

Resources I Use

Resource 1: DMV Virginia –

Resource 2: DMV Virginia Locator :

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